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Almaty Kazakhstan The modern city was founded in 1854 when the Russians established the military fortification of

Zailiyskoye (renamed Verny in 1855) on the site of the ancient settlement of Almaty, which had been destroyed by the Mongols in the 13 th century. Cossacks, peasant settlers from European Russia,

and Tatar merchants soon established themselves in the vicinity, and in 1867 the fortification became the town of Verny and the administrative centre of newly c reated Semirechye province of the

governorate-general of Turkistan. By 1906 the population had grown to 27,000, two -thirds of whom were Russians and Ukrainians. Soviet rule was established in 1918 .

In 1921 the city was renamed Alma- Ata, for its Kazakh name, Almaty ( literally “Father of

Apples”), alluding to the many apple trees in the locality. The transfer of the Kazakh capital from

Kzyl-Orda ( Kazakh: Qyzylorda) to Alma- Ata in 1929 and the completion of the Turk-Sib Railway in 1930 brought rapid growth, and the population rose from 46, 000 in 1926 to 221, 000 in 1939. A number of

food and light- industrial factories were built, and heavy industry, particularly machine building, developed later on the basis of plants evacuated from European Russia during World War II .


Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan with a population of 1,421,868 (at 1st of August 2010) with about 9% of the country’s population located in one city, it is certainly a hustling and bustling place to be. It also used to be the former capital of the country, until 1997 when it moved to Astana.

The city is still the centre of commerce for Kazakhstan, with the stock exchange and largest banks located there including Kazkommertsbank, which is the largest bank in Kazakhstan, and one of the largest players in Central Asia. The Stock exchange is the largest in Central Asia and is responsible for a large proportion of  the country’s economy. Plans are being developed to increase substantially the financial facilities, and currently under construction is ‘Almaty Financial District and Esentai Park.


Winters start from October till April with December and January months as extreme cold. Summers are hot where the average temperature ranges from 30-32 °C. April & May are the wettest months.

In Almaty, the summers are warm, dry, and mostly clear and the winters are freezing, snowy, and partly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 13°F to 85°F and is rarely below -1°F or above 94°F.